One more ecological trail is opened. This time in Bobruisk. The trail is located in the Kiselevichi microdistrict and divided into two parts: first one with informational stands located on the territory of the Holy Iversky Church, and second one on the territory of the park located near the parish.

It should be noted that there are very active clergy in Bobruisk, and we have held several events there dedicated to the day of prayer for God’s creation. As a result of this friendship, it became possible to organize a trail within the city.

Creation of the trail was possible thanks to active participation in this project of the local orthodox parish, of the working group on the implementation of the Program of Cooperation between the Belarusian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus and of administration of Bobruisk town. Layout and printing of informational stands was financed by the Coalition Clean Baltic.
Ecological trails created within the territories of church communities or with their support are an example of how a Christian community can take care of the creation, as well as effectively and easily tell people about the Christian attitude towards nature, and foster ecological habits in them.