Пятница, Март 28

The Church and Environment Program of the Center of Environmental Solutions

Church and Environment Program Leaflet

The  Church and Environment Program of the Center of Environmental Solutions appeared in 2014. Church and Environment Program is a friend of Synodal Department for Youth Affairs of the Belarusian Orthodox Church. The Synodal Department supported the initiative and has been promoting eco-friendly lifestyle among Belarusian Christians together with the Center of Environmental Solutions.  The  Program develops ecological activity of Christian churches in Belarus and implements ecological recommendations and ideas declared in church official documents. The program is also cooperating and works with Roman Catholic and Protestant churchues in Belarus.

The  Church and Environment Program works in the following spheres:


  • Creation and implementation of learning guides and basic programs on ecology and Christian ecological ethics in social and church activities;
  • Organization and implementation of ecological training courses for teachers of Sunday schools, church schools and kindergartens;
  • Proposition of ready-made tools (learning guides, study programs, games) on Christian ecological ethics;
  • Creation and publishing of special ecological recommendations for priests and church workers;
  • Publication and propagation of short ecological recommendations, leaflets, brochures about ecological habits and lifestyle among parishioners;
  • Publishing of materials on the theme of “Interpretation of ecological problems by Orthodox theologians” getting involved church and secular experts;
  • Supervising of website on Christian and environmental subject.

Caring for creation

  • Initiation and realization of environmental demonstrational projects on the platform of Christian parishes. Such kind of projects aimed to draw attention of community to care about natural creation through waste sorting in parishes, making ecological routes, using alternatives sources of energy, ecologically friendly lifestyle;
  • Informational assistance and cooperation with young people in the sphere of environmental care on eparchy and parish level: running of such ecological actions as community work days, cycle racing, ecological competitions;
  • Organization of conferences and seminars on environmental issues in order to share experience and ideas on ecology and Christianity;
  • Development of church ecotourism.

More about us:


Church and Environment Program Lead: Sergey Yushkevich, Belarus, Minsk, 220005 Masherova av., 9-316 tel:  +375292527145 e-mail: ecotvorenie@gmail.com

Юшкевич Сергей
e-mail: ecotvorenie@gmail.com
тел: +375292527145

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