Понедельник, Март 31

«Ecological Saturday» was held in the parish of the church of the Holy Spirit in Bobruisk

On the 26th of September a seminar dedicated to the day of prayer for God’s creation was held on the basis of the church of the Holy Spirit in Bobruisk. The organizers were the Department of Youth Affairs of the Bobruisk Diocese and the Center for Environmental Solutions within the framework of the program “Church and Environment”.
“In the tradition of the Church Saturday is a day of rest and special prayer for the creation of God, it is on this day that we invite you to take part in an ecological meeting — to talk and do something useful for our Earth,” proclaimed the announcement of the event, which was attended by about 20 people: youth and parishioners of the church of the Holy Spirit in Bobruisk, teachers of Sunday schools, including those from neighboring towns, teachers and students of the Institute of Theology of the Belarusian State University and other guests from Minsk.
After the Divine Liturgy the head priest Pavel Lukin led a tour of the church for the participants of the seminar and told about its history.

After the tour the participants were offered an outdoor treat, during which they had the opportunity to get to know and communicate with each other. After that Fr. Paul held a discussion about the Christian responsibility for preserving our common home — the created world.
The central event of the seminar was the installing of several stands on the theme «Man and Creation». They were installed on the territory of the parish by the joint efforts of all the participants, after which the head of the program «Church and Environment» of the Center for Environmental Solutions Sergey Yushkevich made a presentation of the stands.
What is a seminar without interactive work? So, the participants were divided into 4 groups, each of the groups discussed, depicted on paper and presented its vision and solution of problems with waste in Belarus.

At the end of the seminar Sergei Yushkevich presented everyone with small gifts — reusable fabric bags for prosphora as a symbol and sign of how practically start minimizing plastic waste in parishes.

The day of prayer for God’s creation in Bobrujsk was held with the financial support of the Coalition Clean Baltic.

Юшкевич Сергей
e-mail: ecotvorenie@gmail.com
тел: +375292527145

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