Среда, Январь 22

Liquidation of Center for Environmental Solutions (CES)

Center for Environmental Solutions (CES) whom Church and Environment program belong is in the process of liquidation. Everything what Church and the Environment program have done in Belarus in environmental sphere was real thanks to support of CES.

The Church and the Environment program is simply a unique program, which has almost no analogues in other countries: its activity is to support religious organizations in Belarus in working with environmental issues. Here we made ecological paths at churches, a traveling exhibition «Man and Creation», and manuals for Sunday schools. We supported parishes that wanted to reduce single-use plastic, helped organize environmental events (for example, the creation of artificial nests for rare species of owls at temples, «Days of Prayer for God’s Creation», support for the thematic site tvorenie.by, endless performances at parish and diocesan meetings).

More information about Church and environment program in Belarus is available at:

In English: https://www.ecoidea.by/en/article/4806

In Russian: https://www.ecoidea.by/ru/blogs/4805

The statement of Amnesty International in relation to closure of NGOs in Belarus, including CES: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/07/belarus-sweeping-closure-of-dozens-of-ngos-as-the-crackdown-on-civil-society-continues/?fbclid=IwAR1ftUxakw6wERpQRtlJfsgkfl8V5Rl80Jc9WNRfR3SgSzz_e9OjrcIxjos

Юшкевич Сергей
e-mail: ecotvorenie@gmail.com
тел: +375292527145

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